Homeowner’s insurance can be confusing. Who pays for what when accidents happen? Take a look at these common myths to understand how homeowner’s insurance coverage works.
If a Tree Falls, Who Pays?
Generally speaking, if your property is damaged, you are responsible for the damages. It doesn’t matter if the tree or limb came from your property, your neighbor’s property or even municipal property.
Keep in mind that a windstorm isn’t anyone’s fault; it’s an act of nature. If a tree does damage your property during a windstorm, your policy will cover the damages. After all, that’s why you purchased a homeowners policy—to protect yourself against unforeseen losses like a tree damaging your house.
It might seem unfair that if it’s your neighbor’s tree that damages your home, you should have to pay. Fortunately for you, that standard applies both ways. If a storm rolls through and your tree falls and damages your neighbor’s house, his or her insurance is going to cover the damages.
To be proactive with this issue, we recommend communicating your concerns about the tree to your neighbor in writing, and send us a copy before any limbs fall or the whole tree comes down. That might seem very formal, but it is best to have this in writing in case the tree limb does fall and there is a question as to who is responsible. If it is found that your neighbor is at fault due to negligence, it could very well be their insurance that covers the damage.
Read more about property damage and how homeowner’s insurance generally applies.

Renters Insurance Myths
Did you know that your landlord’s insurance will generally NOT cover damages to your belongings?
Typically, a landlord’s insurance policy only covers the physical structure—not anything that’s within your walls or another tenant’s.
Renters insurance is an affordable way to keep your stuff insured. Take a look at more common renters insurance myths.

Mold Damage
Nothing’s worse than mold. Not only is it unsightly, but it can be potentially dangerous to your health.
But is it covered under your homeowner’s insurance?
Usually, no it’s not. Typically, mold damage is only covered if it’s related to what’s called a “covered peril.” Mold damage caused by flooding, for example, would usually only be covered by a separate flood insurance policy.
The best thing you can do is prevent mold from growing in the first place. Here’s how:
Clean up any water damage or flooding thoroughly and immediately.
Use a dehumidifier and a wet/dry vacuum to remove water quickly.
Remove carpeting that cannot be dried out within 48 hours. If your carpet was contaminated by sewer water or a flood, it needs to be replaced.
To read more about mold prevention, click here.

Contact Us
To ensure you have proper home insurance coverage, get in touch with us by texting us, calling us or emailing us!